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Giving First Giveathon 2023

Carter Woodall's Giving First Fundraiser

“Be a rebel. Be a wild child. Never settle…that’s not your style…”

Carter loves laughing, Marvel super heroes, making silly faces, and playing jokes. He is loved by everyone he meets and his smile/laugh are hands down the best! Carter always does things with his own flair and style, fighting DMG is no different. He faces obstacles head-on and does it with the best attitude. 

"Funding pediatric brain cancer research directly saves lives! Seriously, your donations fund desperately needed research that will ultimately discover the cure our children need NOW! My 6-year-old son should be dreaming about what games he is going to play with his brother after school, NOT worrying about how fast the tumor is growing in his brain or how many needle pokes he is getting at his next doctor appointment. He shouldn’t know how chemotherapy will make him sick or how low his blood counts can be before he needs a transfusion. Our children should have access to pediatric developed medicine that will target and kill their brain tumors. We get it, if it’s not your child why should you worry? Because I didn’t think it would be my son until it was." - Becky Woodall

1 in 285 children in the U.S. will develop cancer by age 20.

On average, 15,500 children are diagnosed with cancer each year.

Cancer is the #1 killer of children by disease in the United States, yet it remains one of the most underfunded diseases in the world.

The Cure Starts Now focuses on the Homerun Cure for all cancers by concentrating our research funding efforts on one of the deadliest forms of cancer, DIPG. With over $30 million in pediatric brain cancer research funding to date, you can rest assured that 100% of your donation will go directly to innovative research. Please join us in funding crucial research to save our youngest warriors.

Top Donors
Meme & Pops

Mike Hambright

Dena White

P&C stiles

We love you Carter!

Recent Donors
Sandy M.

Kyle Ward

Evan & Amy Padgett

Kyla L.

Brooke Neave