Adley Sue is our sweet fiesty 3 year old so when she started to not act like herself we knew something was wrong. She would get headaches that would make her throw up and would be tired and overly grumpy.
She had only showed symptoms for a few weeks before we took her to Cook Children’s to get a CT scan. We were moved to PICU so they could get a MRI and decide what to do. They next day we were showed her scans and they were hopeful they could remove her tumor. Shortly after we were told her tumor was Inoperable because of the location and the nerves the tumor had pressed into.
They put in a shunt and biopsied her tumor that day and we waited 3 weeks for the MCI results to come back. May 19th we got admitted for our first round of chemo and we were told our daughter had a rare cancer CNS Neuroblastoma FOXR2 activated.
So far Adley has done 3 rounds of intense induction chemo where she had 10 doses of chemo each round. We just moved to the Bone marrow transplant unit and she had her first of 3 rounds of high dose chemo and her first stem cell transplant.
Adley has had many surgeries and MRIs along with a g-button placed so she wouldn't lose anymore weight. We have watched all the scary symptoms come and her struggle along the way. She misses her baby brother Hudson often and she is the best big sister. Adley Sue is a Fighter!
Our girl has been through a lot and still manages to smile and make others laugh and smile. She’s funny, kind and oh so loving. 💜
Thank you for choosing to donate to The Cure Starts Now Foundation. 100% of this donation, after credit card processing fees, goes directly towards research to find the homerun cure for cancer starting with pediatric brain cancer research.
If you would like to make a donation by mail please send a check to: The Cure Starts Now Foundation; 10280 Chester Road; Cincinnati, OH 45215 and put the child's name in the memo.
The family receives notification of all donations made to this tribute fund automatically.